Daily flows - observed & forecast

This card displays mean daily streamflow per-day-of-year overlaid by year, with the median per day across years for reference.

In addition, current predictions and confidence intervals from the USGS WA Water Science Center near-term baseflow forecast are shown alongside National Water Model (NWM) reach streamflow forecasts from NOAA’s National Water Prediction Service NWPS API.

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  • click the lower right corner to expand the card

  • double-click on any legend entry to highlight it (then single-click others to add individually or double-click again to return all)

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built 2024-08-27 13:58:36.233196

Annual low flows: Q10, Q05, Q01, Qmin

This card displays per-year minimum values of daily mean streamflow volume in cfs (cubic feet per second) as measured at the USGS gaging stations (12010000 Naselle R Near Naselle & 12013500 Willapa R Near Willapa).

12010000 12013500

In addition to the annual minimum, per-year sample quantiles illustrate longer term relative differences at several low flow magnitudes. For example, ~90% of observed daily mean flows in a year were greater than and ~10% were less than the dark blue ‘Q10’.

Annual Catch Record Card estimates

This card displays annual estimated Chinook and coho recreational harvest in the CRC data records.

Estimated daily stream temperatures, Siegel et al. 2023

This card displays the Siegel et al. 2023 estimated daily stream temperature for the medium resolution NHD+ COMID (flowline+local catchment) associated with the displayed USGS streamflow gage.

Fitting to the NorWeST database, “This model reflects mechanistic processes using publicly available climate and landscape covariates in a Generalized Additive Model framework. We allowed covariates to interact while accounting for nonlinear relationships between temporal and spatial covariates to better capture seasonal patterns.”

Values displayed here are from the publicly available datasets of results.

Flows - observed & forecast
Annual low flows
Catch (CRC)
Stream temp (Siegel et al. 2023)
Flows - observed & forecast
Annual low flows
Catch (CRC)
Stream temp (Siegel et al. 2023)